The Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine reported this.
As told in the medical institution, the operation is called endovascular intervention for stenosis of the aortic valve.
This intervention was peculiar because it was performed not traditionally through the femoral artery but through the right subclavian artery. In this way, interventions are performed exceptionally rarely in the world due to the higher risk of complications and the difficulty implanting the valve itself.
The rationale for selecting this approach was due to a multifaceted array of medical issues in a 73–year–old patient. After undergoing surgery, the man was discharged on the fourth day and was monitored on an outpatient basis with a favorable outcome.
The operation was performed by a team of doctors: Andriy Hohlov, Oleh Zelenchuk, Mykola Stan, Michael Todurov, Yana Antoniuk, Maksym Shimanko, Natalia Ponich, Yulia Motko, Tetyana Kasapova.
For reference:
The Heart Institute was opened in Kyiv in 2007. The clinic was built according to European standards and immediately acquired the status of one of the best cardiosurgical institutions in the country. For the first time in Ukraine, experts in the field of prevention of diseases and heart defects, diagnostics, therapy, surgery, anesthesiology, and rehabilitation have gathered within the premises of one clinic.
The Institute conducts more than 100,000 diagnostic studies of the cardiovascular system every year. In addition, during the year, doctors perform 6,000 operations on the heart – both open and invasive, more than 2,000 of which – with artificial blood circulation.
It should be noted that the surgeons of the "Feofania" Hospital performed a complicated operation and saved the life of a soldier of Ukraine's armed forces.
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