Photo: Voice of America
In his interview with Ukrainian Radio, Danilov stated the Ukrainian army attacks only Russian military facilities.
The bombings of oil refineries or other facilities are the work of Russian partisans, whom Ukraine does not control.
All of this will bring results, given that we do not attack Russian civilian objects, such as schools, kindergartens, as a terrorist country does. We are attacking either factories or military production, components that kill our children. We must put an end to this, Danilov said.
The distance at which Ukrainian troops can strike targets, such as 700 and 1,000-1,500 kilometers long, will no longer be a problem.
The military leadership determines the legitimate goals in this war.
However, if there are some partisans and they are dissatisfied with the regime established on the territory of Russia by a modern Hitler named Putin, then they have the right to use appropriate means of destruction from their territory, Danilov summarized.
Russian airfields have been repeatedly attacked by unmanned aerial vehicles. With a drone attack on an airfield in Russia's Novgorod oblast, Ukraine was able to destroy a strategic nuclear bomber of the Russian forces for the first time.
On the night of August 30, four Il-76 military transport aircraft were damaged by a drone attack on a military airfield in Pskov.
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