Solutions to win: Estonia sends demining robot to Ukrainian rescuers

Despite the small Estonian population and limited economic power, the Baltic country has been systematically helping Ukraine. This time, it sent a demining robot to clear Ukrainian territories.

What is the problem?

Eight years of Russia's war in Ukraine's east and 1.5 years of full-scale war have turned Ukraine into one of the most mined countries in the world. Russian troops have left behind tens of thousands of deadly "reminders" of war.

As of August 27, sappers found and defused more than 94,000 explosive devices in the Kherson region alone, which were liberated from Russian occupants.

The neutralization is ten times longer and more complicated than mining. That is why Ukraine's allies have joined this campaign. After all, Ukraine sorely lacks the appropriate equipment and sappers themselves.

What is the solution?

Estonia has been one of Ukraine's most loyal allies since the beginning of the all-out war. Another demonstration of the friendly relations between the countries was the transfer of a demining robot to Ukraine. It is designed for the safe demining of territories.

How does it work?

The robot "Yaroslava" is named after Ukrainian high jumper Yaroslava Mahuchikh. Estonian friends celebrated the Ukrainian's victory at the World Championships in Budapest and named their robot after her.

Yulia Svyrydenko, Ukraine's economy minister, noted that the robot provided by Estonia is one of the best in the world in its field and will greatly help Ukraine.

This robot is one of the most famous in the world for demining and defusing ammunition. It can be controlled remotely, ensuring the safety of deminers, Svyrydenko said.

The 21-year-old Ukrainian Yaroslava Maguchikh won the third medal of her career at the World Championships the day before. Before that, Maguchikh had twice become the world vice-champion, but she finally won gold in Budapest.

This medal was the first for Ukraine at the World Athletics Championships in the last ten years.

The victory was also the first in 24 years for Ukrainian women in the high jump. It is gratifying that the young Ukrainian champion wins on the sports field and inspires other countries to help her native Ukraine more actively.

Currently, there are already 10 DOK-ING demining robots in Ukraine. To date, DOK-ING robots have processed nearly 1 million square meters of land and destroyed more than 700 different explosive devices.

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