EOS is Australia's largest sovereign defense industry exporter and a trusted provider of advanced military technology to the Australian forces.
The company has been testing the systems for the past three weeks near Sydney. The Slinger has been designed and developed in Australia specifically for export markets, with a focus on addressing contemporary and emerging threats based on lessons learned in recent conflicts, such as Ukraine.
The Slinger incorporates a radar, a 30mm cannon with specifically designed ammunition, and EOS' proprietary stabilization and pointing technology for counter-drone operations.
It can track and discriminately engage moving drones at a range of more than 800 meters, with unique ammunition making it suitable for use in built-up environments.
Ukraine will receive 110 systems that will be equipped with M113 and another 50 systems with a company called "Practika."
This technology is coming to Ukraine. The Slinger system was purchased by the US to be donated to Ukraine. The development of the laser technology is still being finalized, so this is not being considered at this time, said Matt Jones, the EOS Vice President.
Australia is one of the largest non-NATO countries providing Ukraine aid, ammunition, and defense equipment. The state will provide Ukraine with another Bushmaster armored personnel carrier.
The Electro Optic Systems company has signed a contract with the Ukrainian state foreign trade enterprise SpetsTechnoExport to supply Ukraine with up to one hundred of its remote weapon systems (RWS).
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