Rubryka reports, referring to Die Welt, that the prosecutor's office is investigating the case as attempted manslaughter.
It is reported that it happened on August 26 in the city of Einbeck, Germany, when an unknown man attacked a Ukrainian boy who was walking with his friends. The stranger is said to have complained in Russian that the children spoke Ukrainian. He asked them to speak Russian. According to the investigation, the man is also said to have said that "Ukraine started the war."
As the investigators said, the man is said to have initially pulled a girl's hair from the group. Then, he is said to have grabbed the ten-year-old boy and thrown him over the bridge railing. The boy first hit iron girders that are mounted at the level of the bridge below the railing, as a spokesman for the prosecutor said. The boy was injured in the head and foot.
After that, the boy fell between the iron girders into a canal. When the ten-year-old was lying there, the perpetrator threw a glass bottle at him. The bottle reportedly hit the boy on the right shoulder. The man then fled. The children then alerted their parents. The boy was not seriously injured, according to the spokesman for the prosecutor's office. He was treated in a hospital and then released.
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