The booklet was developed based on recorded interviews with "fellows" that can be viewed online, Rubryka reports.
From the first days of the full-scale war, thousands of diaspora members and foreigners stood side by side with Ukrainians to resist the enemy. They support Ukrainians and Ukrainian defenders daily, even though they live several thousand kilometers away.
The UDoNation International Charity Fund initiated the 50 Canadian Fellows of Ukraine project to tell the stories of these people, how Canadians and the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada support Ukraine, who these people are, what their path is, and how the war affected the lives of each of them, and express gratitude for indifference and resilience.
Despite Russian propaganda, which claims that the world is tired of war, the actions of those who help Ukraine prove the opposite. People who live in a democratic society understand that Ukraine's long-term resistance requires the strong support of the entire world, solidarity, and dedication.
"This brochure has stories of assistance to Ukraine and Ukrainians from Canada. Each story is unique because it conveys all the challenges and difficulties that befell the volunteer. And yet, we see an unstoppable desire to help and join the struggle," says Ruslan Kostetskyi, Chair of the Board of Directors of the UDoNation International Charity Fund. "The efforts of these people often go unnoticed, but their contribution to the cause is invaluable. Each participant is crucial in supporting the Ukrainian military and civilians, from fundraising to sending medical supplies to the front lines."
According to UDoNation chief Kostetskyi, these stories inspire Ukrainians to fight further and show Ukrainians are not alone in this difficult time. "We are grateful to you for the power of human kindness and the power of the human spirit. After all, this brochure is a testimony to the resilience of the Ukrainian people and unbreakable ties with the diaspora not only in Canada but also throughout the world," Kostetskyi added.
The project involves volunteers who have supported Ukraine not only since the beginning of the full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022 but also since the beginning of Russian aggression in 2014, as well as well-known representatives of diplomatic missions and Ukrainian organizations abroad. Interviews conducted with each hero can be viewed in full on the UDoNation social media.
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