Ukrainian government allocates ₴1.7 bln for 70 reconstruction projects in war-blighted communities

The Ukrainian government, Cabinet of Ministers, will redistribute ₴1.7 billion ($46,300,945) worth of financing from the state budget between war-torn communities.

The Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine announced that it will be directed to 70 projects to restore social and critical infrastructure, Rubryka reports.

What is the problem?

As reported by the Prosecutor General's Office, as of March 23, 3,126 educational institutions were damaged due to bombing and shelling by the Russian armed forces, with 338 of them being completely destroyed.

The Russian aggression in Ukraine destroyed 177 medical facilities and damaged more than 1,400. Hundreds of administrative buildings were destroyed. The recovery requires a lot of time and money resources to rebuild them.

What is the solution?

At the August 29 meeting, the government decided to redistribute ₴1.7 billion of subventions from the state budget to 70 projects to restore social and critical infrastructure.

The European Investment Bank will finance the projects within the credit program for Ukraine's reconstruction.

How does it work?

The statement notes that 26 projects are at the final stage. The working group selected another 44 during the competition, which ended in June 2023. New projects are located in 19 regions, including 17 educational institutions, eight healthcare institutions, ten administrative service centers, three water supply and drainage facilities, two residential buildings for internally displaced persons, and more.

The plans involve the following:

  • arranging the department of intensive therapy and transplantation and the separation of blood cells of the city clinical hospital No. 4 in the city of Dnipro;
  • repairing the water supply network in the Pervomaiske district of the Mykolaiv region;
  • building the Regional Emergency Medical Assistance Center in Cherkasy;
  • repairing the building for the accommodation of IDPs in the Kropyvnytskyi district of the Kirovohrad region;
  • rebuilding the National Medical Center's housing in Nova Basan, Chernihiv region, and others.

As reported, 205 projects were approved within the Emergency Credit Program for the Reconstruction of Ukraine in 2017-2019, of which 103 have already been completed. Another 26 are extending their implementation. The rest of the projects are located in temporarily occupied territories or territories of active hostilities.

According to the financial agreement between Ukraine and the European Investment Bank, the credit program, a total of €200 million, has been raised, which is directed to the recovery of social and critical infrastructure, housing and communal facilities, etc.

Rubryka reported that Ukraine launched a program to involve young people in restoring the country.

Rubryka also reported that on August 24, the restored Ruta kindergarten, which the Russian shelling destroyed, was reopened in Irpin, in the Kyiv region. Lithuania took over all the costs of its reconstruction.

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