Photo: Vita TV
What is the problem?
The Ukrainian Defense Forces courageously defend their homeland from the Russian invasion. The war has been going on for over a year and a half. Ukrainians are trying to do a million things, torn between work, adaptation to new war reality, help, phone calls, and experiencing losses and pain.
With this in mind, it is very important to inspire Ukrainians and keep partner countries from feeling war-weary. Many Ukrainians try to psychologically support brave Ukrainian soldiers and remind the world about Ukraine with new iterations of Ukrainian symbols that best raise the patriotic spirit.
What is the solution?
Breeder Mykhailo Nahorniak decided to reflect Ukrainian symbolic colors in corn.
"The blue-yellow colors have become the protection of the whole of Europe from Russian arbitrariness. We decided: we are putting everything aside and working on blue-yellow," Mykhailo says.
How does it work?
Most of the breeder's acquaintances did not believe that it was possible to get sweet corn with blue grains. However, Mykhailo made the new variety's purple seeds turn blue during cooking. Work on improving the variety has been going on for five years and is still ongoing.
"From February to March, I selected all the blue forms, I bought everything that was available in Ukraine," the farmer shared. Only one of the 44 sown samples came up with yellow and blue dot cobs.
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