The group is also conducting reconnaissance in the Russian-controlled city, partisans inform on their Telegram.
Partisans note that members of the non-legitimate "Luhansk People's Republic" from various units of the occupation forces are cooperating with them and choose Ukraine's side.
The locals are also discreetly helping the partisans in finding Russian personnel clusters and joining the movement.
Our agents are conducting reconnaissance in the occupied city. We also managed to eliminate military patrols operating in Luhansk. The Russians did not find some of the military. Soldiers from the 2nd AK ("LPR") and other military units are joining our ranks, as well as civilians, the movement said.
Many citizens who've seen enough Russian terror during nine years of the occupation say they "realized their mistakes and do not want to be involved in the "Russian world".
The eastern city of Luhansk has been under Russian regime since its occupation in 2014. Since then, Ukrainian citizens have been reminding the enemy authorities of Ukraine's existence and helping to eliminate military personnel.
Previously, Activists of the Yellow Ribbon public movement that fought against the occupation held another patriotic protest in the temporarily occupied Luhansk. As part of the protests, Ukrainians put their slogans on the Russian ruble banknotes and reminded the occupiers that they were only invaders.
Russia's Federal Security Service officers pose as civilians to search for partisans in Ukraine's temporarily occupied regions. Under ordinary residents' guise, FSB officers ask sellers, conductors, and others about people who complain about the authorities and often provoke such conversations themselves. This is how the enemy is looking for a disloyal population.
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