The Finnish government announced that the package cost, which includes, in particular, heavy weapons and ammunition, is €94 million, Rubryka reports.
"The support of Finland and our allies to Ukraine remains unwavering. The core issue in terms of the future security order in Europe and in Finland is to be able to curb Russia's aggression against Ukraine," said Minister of Defence Antti Häkkänen.
When deciding on additional aid, Finland considered both the needs of Ukraine and the Ukrainian armed forces' resources. Additional details about the content of the aid, the method, and the schedule of its delivery are not being released for security reasons.
Prime Minister Petteri Orpo also stated that the Finnish government has decided to appoint a special person in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who will coordinate the country's participation in reconstruction works in Ukraine.
According to the head of the Finnish government, the reconstruction opened up significant business opportunities for Finnish companies. Orpo noted that Finland can offer world-class solutions in such areas as clean energy, the construction sector, digitalization, and cooperation in education.
As reported by Rubryka, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, announced the 18th defense package from Finland at a joint briefing with Prime Minister of Finland Petteri Orpo in Kyiv.
Finland's total aid to Ukraine amounts to more than €1.7 billion. The state provided Ukraine with 17 aid packages for defense equipment.
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