“The whole world needs Ukraine’s successful counteroffensive” – Zelensky

The whole world needs the liberation of Ukrainian lands from the Russian occupation forces and the successful counteroffensive of the Ukrainian defense forces, as our country is fighting for common values.

President Volodymyr Zelensky stated this during a meeting with media representatives after talks with the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Norway, Jonas Gahr Støre, in Kyiv.

"I'm sure that the whole world needs Ukraine's successful counteroffensive. Because Ukraine is fighting for our common values. I want everyone in the world to realize this finally," the head of state emphasized.

The president emphasized that the success of the Ukrainian counteroffensive depends on many factors, and several challenges affect this process.

In particular, Volodymyr Zelensky recalled the high density of landmines in Ukrainian territories captured by Russia.

"Thousands of mines, everything is mined, but the fighters are moving forward, we believe in them," the Ukrainian leader said.

In addition, according to the head of state, the military must remain motivated and know that their lives are valued and protected. In particular, Ukraine is negotiating with partners to provide armored medical evacuation vehicles for this purpose.

It should be noted that Norway also supports the aviation coalition. As Zelensky emphasized, three countries have already agreed to transfer F-16 aircraft to Ukraine.

"Norway effectively supports our aviation coalition and has prepared relevant solutions. I think the Prime Minister will tell about it himself. The best news for Independence Day for us. There is also a new defense package to strengthen air defense and other essential defense equipment", – said the president.

Jonas Gahr Støre reported that Norway is handing Ukraine over IRIS-T air defense systems.

Also, according to him, Norway will transfer demining equipment to Ukraine and will do everything necessary to convince partners to provide Ukraine with the NASAMS air defense system.

Moreover, Norway has also decided to transfer F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine and allocates two F-16 fighter jets for the training mission of Ukrainian pilots.

For reference:

In addition, Denmark and the Netherlands announced a decision to hand over these planes to Kyiv after training. In particular, Ukraine will receive 42 American F-16 fighter jets from the Netherlands and 19 aircraft from Denmark.

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