“Day of free and strong people”: Ukraine celebrates Independence Day

Today, August 24, Ukrainians celebrate Independence Day.

President Volodymyr Zelensky congratulated and thanked everyone who works toward Ukraine's victory, Rubryka reports.

"Today, we are celebrating the 32nd anniversary of our independence — the independence of Ukraine. This is a value for each of us. And this is what we are fighting for. And everyone is important in this fight. Because this is a fight for something that is important to everyone. An independent Ukraine," he said in his address.

Zelensky stressed that there were no small, unnecessary, or unimportant deeds in a great war. He thanked the soldiers who defended Ukraine and the families who raised their children to love Ukraine and have the courage to defend it.

"Thank you to everyone who is waiting for their loved ones from the front line, everyone who prays for them every day, who calls or texts such an important 'How are you?' to hear the much desired 'Everything is okay!' Such a precious 'I love you'… 'Our son took the first step yesterday'… 'Our daughter said Daddy today,'" he said.

The President thanked those who provide communication in the country because "this is more than just communication. It is a connection with life. Words of support. Words of gratitude. And, unfortunately, the words that are the most painful in war: 'He is gone…'"

"Many Ukrainians lost loved ones because of the war. Heroes who prevented us from losing Ukraine. I thank and bow to each and every one of them," he added.

Zelensky noted that Ukrainian defenders are supported by unique armor — the armor of humanity and sincerity. Children's drawings can be seen in every brigade. After all, children, even strangers, support soldiers. The president noted that children are the main reason to conduct the offensive:

"Because it is you, our children, who are behind them. Ukrainian children, exactly you, those who are creating these drawings. And I want to say to you — to every boy and girl: you have no idea how important it is when you support our warriors. I thank you!"

He thanked every Ukrainian mother for who Ukraine is and will remain home. Despite the fact that they had to leave because of the war:

"And when a mother in any country gives her child a book in Ukrainian so that the child does not lose himself or herself when a mother teaches Ukrainian, when she worries about Ukraine and waits for news from Ukraine, waits to be able to return, this is the most important thing because you are important. All Ukrainians! No matter where you happen to be now."

The President thanked all Ukrainian teachers who are building an educated future even when the enemy is destroying schools. He thanked Ukrainian doctors who saved thousands of lives.

"Last winter, we experienced massive missile attacks and the threat of blackout. There were different moments when cities remained in darkness. When it was cold. There was also indomitability. And when our people worked and turned the power back on, there were loud 'Glory to Ukraine!' 'Glory to Ukrainian electricians!' and glasses were raised to air defense and our power engineers," he recalled.

Zelensky stressed that some families did not see their father, son, or brother come home: "An ordinary electrician, repairman, rescuer, police officer, firefighter… All those who died in the line of duty. Those who helped to do the most important thing — to prevent the Russian darkness from breaking us, our state, our freedom, our independence."

The President also thanked Ukrainian journalists because "the news was with us both in the light and the dark" and "the truth was with us. The world heard Ukraine." "I thank everyone who spreads the truth about Ukraine and this war in different languages," he said.

He mentioned Ukrainians who cannot yet be talked about in the news, whose names are known to few but whose work is visible to everyone.

"Our missiles. Ukrainian munitions. Our artillery. Ukrainian drones: Leleka, Fury. Naval drones, Neptune, Corsar, Stugna. We produce all of this. Ukrainians produce all of this. And when we are proud to have sunk the flagship of the enemy fleet, Moskva cruiser, when we rejoice at hitting the Kerch Bridge, we also thank those who cannot be mentioned now, whose names cannot be told, but about whom books will be written and movies will definitely be made in the future. Those whom I award with classified decrees and who carry out the most difficult operations. Thank you! You are all important!" he said.

The President also thanked those who demine Ukrainian territories, sow fields, harvest crops despite shelling, and deliver them around the country to have bread. Despite the danger, people take Ukrainian grain to many other countries, so there is no hunger in the world.

Zelensky noted that everyone who works and gives work to others and pays taxes is important for ensuring future victory. Anyone who organizes gatherings and keeps the flame of volunteerism alive is important. Anyone who trains soldiers is important. Who brings glory to Ukraine with sports victories. Who opened the door of their own home and sheltered those who lost their homes.

He also thanked those who created motivational lines for Ukrainians, put them on beautiful music, and performed these songs for soldiers at the front, the wounded in the hospital, and at charity concerts worldwide in a world fighting alongside us.

Everyone who survived the occupation and held the Ukrainian flag in the squares is also important, who is still under occupation but holds the Ukrainian flag so that the occupier does not find it, who waited, and who will wait for Ukraine, who was wounded, who lost limbs but did not lose themselves, who survived captivity, from whom freedom, but not will, was taken away, who has not lost Ukraine in themselves, who came back and continues to fight. And those who will return.

"All those who proved: all is needed, all is important — both people, and actions, and words. Because we all made it so that when one person says: 'Glory to Ukraine,' the whole world responds: 'Glory to the heroes!'" the president added.


Ukraine declared independence exactly 32 years ago. A long struggle preceded this historic day. Ukraine fought for its freedom.

Burnt tanks, armored vehicles, and remnants of rockets were installed on the central street of Kyiv for display for Independence Day.

It was also reported that on the 32nd anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, August 24, Ukrainians in various countries were called to go to the central streets of cities and hold hands to form the largest living chain of unity in history.

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