
EU4UA.org platform introduces co-living feature to help Ukrainian refugees find affordable housing

Ukrainians in Europe are offered to look for shared housing together with other Ukrainians, the EU4UA.org platform, which helps Ukrainians with accommodation abroad, reports.

Rubryka explains how this solution works.

What is the problem?

As of late July 2023, the UN Refugee Agency documented 6.2 million refugees who fled Ukraine because of Russia's invasion, and an estimated 5.1 million people had been internally displaced. 

Since housing in Europe is expensive, and refugees may not be able to afford comfortable options even if they have a job, renting apartments together with other Ukrainians is suggested as a solution. Moreover, Europeans provide free housing less and less.

What is the solution?

Coliving is not only about saving money but also about solving housing issues faster and finding options that meet urgent needs. Such a function was launched on the EU4UA.org platform, which helps Ukrainians with accommodation abroad.

"You can save money and have a greater choice of housing. Joint renting of housing is a normal practice in Europe. It is a popular and practical approach that helps save money and promotes social interaction. Coliving creates an opportunity for social contacts and new acquaintances," the organizers said.

How does this solution work?

It is enough to create a profile on the site to use the new function, after which you can see Ukrainians who are also looking for roommates throughout Europe.

Coliving also creates an opportunity for social contacts and new acquaintances. You can make friends, expand your network of contacts, and feel supported in a new country.

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