Фото: Львівська міськрада
This place is meant to be an accessible, interesting, and informative space, the local council says.
Photo: Lviv city council
This park has over 1,100 square meters of entertainment space for children with disabilities, accessible swings, a large slide and entertainment for children with autism spectrum disorders, and a mini-football field.
Photo: Lviv city council
It's not just carousels. All children with disabilities think they're flying when they're rocking. They are distracted from reality and plunge into a world where they are happy and safe. We made this place of safety, joy and discovery with our wife Tanya for children with such diagnoses and types of disability, says Eddie Wayne, the park's founder.
The project cost about 60,000 dollars, which is part of all charity funds. There are no such parks in Ukraine, but the founders hope authorities will work on special sites for children.
Photo: Lviv city council
The amusement and discovery park is divided into two zones for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system and children with autism spectrum disorders.
Everything is thought out to the smallest detail for the safety and accessibility of each child.
Photo: Lviv city council
Except for carousels, there are sensory locations for eye contact in children and sound panels where they can hear the sounds of various instruments. They can also play with colored rubber toys that will cause a smile, even in adults.
The park was unveiled by a couple of Americans, Eddie and Tetiana, founders of "The Bridge of Life" charity fund. They arrived in Ukraine at the beginning of the full-scale war, but the idea of creating an accessible amusement park for all children was thought of last summer.
The couple has been studying Ukrainian kids for four months, finding what playground they would like. Then they created this project, which allows children with a different spectrum of disorders to enjoy their free time.
Photo: Lviv city council
This platform is meant for children with disabilities and has certain elements that are provided precisely for their safety, convenience, and comfort.
Photo: Lviv city council
The Social Services Center "Dzherelo" has been helping children and youth with disabilities for more than 30 years, both from Lviv and all over Ukraine.
This safe place was founded by parents of children with disabilities and volunteers. All social and rehabilitation services are provided at the expense of the city budget and partly at the expense of charitable proceeds.
As of now, there are 136 children participating in the center's support programs. More than 400 children receive comprehensive rehabilitation yearly.
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