Solutions to win: Ukrainian marines mount US-made Mk19 grenade launcher on buggy to create a mobile fire platform

Ukrainian marines of the 36th separate brigade boost their efficiency during the decisive battles by customizing the locally made buggy.

The lightweight buggy is armed with a roof-mounted US-supplied Mk19 grenade launcher, now being a highly mobile indirect fire platform.

What is the problem?

The all-out war includes Russians using combat drones for reconnaissance and strikes on Ukrainian vehicles and logistics. This has brought up the issue of mobility.

Pickups and lightweight buggies seem easy, but creating a precision strike platform is more efficient on the battlefield.

The second significant disadvantage is the difficulty in operation and repair. It is impossible to repair a broken machine in the conditions of the front. It must be transported to the rear, which is not always possible.

What is the solution?

Volunteers are constantly trying to replenish the fleet. But fighters do not stand aside from this problem and create unique technical things. So, local marines combined a volunteer-made buggy and an American automatic grenade launcher.

How does it work?

One Mk 19 can defend a whole company, the Ukrainian military said.

The Marines said that this solution gives significant advantages on the battlefield. The buggy helped to capture the commander of Russia's assault group and force the enemies to retreat.

Ukrainian manufacturers support the forces with light and quiet inventions. For example, the off-road vehicle Eleek is suitable for silent movement in combat conditions. There are retractable mounts for stretchers so that the buggy can carry the wounded.

Students from the Lviv Higher Vocational School of Computer Technologies and Construction created an all-wheeled combat buggy called "Gurkit"("Roar"). The all-terrain vehicle will be used on the front lines next week, Lviv City Council reports.

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