Kosovo joins G7 declaration on long-term support for Ukraine

Kosovo joined the declaration of the Great Seven in support of Ukraine, said Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti.

"Ensuring victory for Ukraine — and holding Russia's leaders accountable for their crimes — is essential to the preservation of peace and democracy. Kosova stands ready to contribute to these efforts," Kurti said.

The statement of the government of Kosovo, which Kurti published, says the partially recognized republic "since day one… has stood unequivocally with Ukraine and its people," condemned the invasion, and joined the US and EU sanctions against Russia. It also offered to accept up to 5,000 refugees and accepted 18 Ukrainian journalists.

Kosovo said it was ready to contribute to the efforts outlined in the G7 joint declaration and fully supports the goals and values outlined in it.

"The effects of the conflict have also rippled far beyond Ukraine's borders. In an effort to distract attention from its illegal war, Russia is attempting to destabilize the Western Balkans with the help of its main autocratic allies in the region," the document says. "The Republic of Kosovo joins the G7 Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine. Now, more than ever, the democratic world must speak out with one voice."

Security Guarantees for Ukraine

A summit of NATO countries took place in Vilnius on July 11 and 12, one of the main topics of which was Ukraine. In the final communiqué of the summit, published on the Alliance website, the Heads of State and Government of the North Atlantic Alliance recognized Ukraine's progress on the path of Euro-Atlantic integration and confirmed that Ukraine's future lies with NATO.

NATO leaders agreed to drop the requirement for a Membership Action Plan for Ukraine and said they would invite Ukraine to join the Alliance after "fulfillment of conditions."

The leaders of the Group of Seven agreed on the "Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine" on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Vilnius. They did not agree on specific "security guarantees" parameters, but their framework and specific bilateral agreements will be signed later.

On August 14, it became known that Greece supported security guarantees for Ukraine and became the 14th country to join the G7 declaration. Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Sweden also joined the G7 declaration.

Bulgaria recently signed the declaration. Later, the Baltic countries joined the G7 declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine. During August, Ukraine began negotiations on "security guarantees" with the United States and Great Britain.

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