The shelling targeted the town of Sofiivka, injuring 79-year-old and 60-year-old civilians. Both were provided with medical assistance.
Earlier before, Russian troops dropped a drone explosive on a civilian in the town of Zolota Balka. A 43-year-old man received multiple injuries all over his chest and legs.
Kherson authorities report that Russian forces fired 377 shells on civilian areas all over the region, using artillery, mortars, tanks, long-range missile systems, drones, and aircraft. Kherson alone was targeted with 47 Russian shells.
The Russian military targeted residential areas of the region's settlements. Critical infrastructure facilities and plant territory in Kherson. The shelling killed two civilians and injured three.
Russian forces constantly shell the region after the right bank's liberation with all types of weaponry. They target Kherson itself with aircraft, drones, mortars, etc.
Over the past day, the invaders hit a residential building in Kozatske town with a tank, killing a civilian.
The same day, the enemy forces dropped two drone explosives on a man in the town of Novoberyslav, eventually, killing him.
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