Ukrainian drone strikes train station in Russia’s Kursk, injuring five

A Ukrainian drone crashed into a railway station in the Russian city of Kursk, injuring five people and setting off a fire, says regional governor Roman Starovoit.

Про це повідомляє Рубрика із посиланням на місцеві Telegram-канали та губернатора Курської області Романа Старовойта.

Smoke was seen in the area of the railway station as the drone targeted the station's rooftop.

Russian sources claim there are five injured in the attack and blame Ukraine for the accident. Firefighters and law enforcement agencies were called to the scene.

Meanwhile, Moscow authorities shut down two major airports due to the risk of a drone attack, temporarily delaying departure and arrival flights. Usually, such a plan is introduced in cases where unknown or dangerous objects are detected in the sky.

According to Moscow's mayor Sergei Sobyanin, a drone attempted to breach the south of the city, and air defense forces allegedly eliminated the flying vehicle.

Russia has been witnessing allegedly Ukrainian drone attacks for a while. In recent weeks, explosions have become more frequent in various cities and regions.

On August 19, Russia reported an attack on a military airfield in the Novgorod region, when the attack drone damaged at least two Russian warplanes that are carrying hypersonic missiles.

On August 18, a drone again attacked the Russian capital. An explosion occurred near the Moscow City business center, and the Expocenter building was damaged.

Earlier, on August 14, a loud explosion occurred in the Russian Belgorod region. At the same time, the Russian authorities claimed it was the air defense causing the noise.

The bordering city of Belgorod also reported an alleged drone attack. A residential building in the city was partially damaged.

On the night of July 30, one of the largest attacks took place in Moscow. Unknown drones attacked the business center of the Russian capital. The drones hit the so-called "government tower," which houses the offices of three Russian ministries: the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the Ministry of Communications.

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