15:40 20 Aug 2023

Ukraine's Ambassador to US visits Abrams production plant before their transfer

Oksana Markarova, Ukraine's Ambassador to the US, along with Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, has visited a tank factory in Lima, Ohio, which produces Abrams tanks that will be sent to the state this fall.

Markarova said it is important to maintain a constant dialogue with the American people, enterprises, organizations, and regions, "as well as tell them why their support for Ukraine during the war is important."

I am grateful to the Congresswoman… for an exceptional opportunity to visit the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center (JSMC), as well as meet with people and companies from northwestern Ohio who have joined in helping Ukrainians, said Markarova.

танк Abrams

Early in August, the US officially approved the transfer of the first batch of Abrams tanks to Ukraine.

The state began training Ukrainians on Abrams tanks in May 2023 in Germany. Media outlets reported that the training was expected to be completed by the end of the summer.

The US Biden's announced its intention to send Abrams tanks to Ukraine in January. After months of insisting that the tanks were too complex and difficult to maintain and repair, it took this step to induce Germany to supply its Leopard tanks.

The US significantly accelerated the time needed to send the tanks by deciding earlier this year to send older M1-A1 models instead of a more modern version of the tank.

Pentagon spokesman General Pat Ryder said that the transition to sending already repaired hulls equipped with modern weapon systems would allow the equipment to get to the battlefield faster.

At the same time, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry emphasized that these tanks would not take part in the counteroffensive, as Ukrainian crews are just preparing to start training.


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