The Minister of Education: If a student has not slept and is tired due to night worries, he may not go to the first lesson

If a student does not get enough sleep due to night air raid alerts and feels tired in the morning, he (or she) may not go to the first lesson.

The Minister of Education Oksen Lisovyi wrote about this on Facebook.

He emphasized that it is okay to skip class and catch up on the topic later. For example, this can be done on the "All-Ukrainian Online School" platform (here). If a student misses an independent test (pr important one), he (or she) should be given the opportunity to complete this work later.

"We must be realistic and understand that a tired child is unlikely to be able to perceive the material in class and have the necessary level of concentration. Sometimes itʼs just as difficult for adults to focus after a sleepless night, what we should say about schoolchildren," noted Oksen Lisovyi.

A teacher who conducts a lesson remotely and has an air raid alarm — but the children in the class do not — should interrupt the lesson and go to the shelter. However, "if there is an opportunity to continue classes from the repository — it would be great."

The minister emphasized that this is not so much a matter of academic success and rules as of mental health — of both schoolchildren and teachers.

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