
Ukraine and Romania to establish new border checkpoint

Ukraine and Romania agreed on cooperation in ensuring the transit of Ukrainian goods and opening a new checkpoint at the border.

The Government portal reports this.

These are the results of the visit of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal, to Bucharest and his negotiations with the head of the Government of Romania, Marcel Ciolacu.

Photo: Government portal

A joint intergovernmental statement on strengthening cooperation in ensuring the reliable transit of Ukrainian goods was signed.

Photo: Government portal

It provides:

– restoration and improvement of the transport infrastructure that Russia destroyed;

– opening of new checkpoints along the common border for road, rail, sea, and river traffic;

– the intention to develop access roads to them, railway infrastructure, implement traffic management mechanisms to reduce traffic jams, simplify border, customs, and phytosanitary control;

– where possible and expedient, to consider the possibility of coordinated border control for simplified transit of goods between Ukraine and Romania;

– an agreement to facilitate the transshipment of Ukrainian products in the sea and river ports of Romania;

– intensification of cooperation in the Danube region. By making full use of the existing port infrastructure and attracting investments in its development.

Photo: Government portal

The governments of Ukraine and Romania also exchanged notes on opening a checkpoint between the settlements of Bila Tserkva and Sighetu Marmatiei. It will operate around the clock for passenger and freight traffic.

In addition, an agreement on mutual recognition of education documents was signed. This means that Ukrainians will be able to work in their profession while staying on the territory of a neighboring country.

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