Russia abducts another 450 children from occupied territories of Ukraine – National Resistance Center

Russian troops continue the policy of transporting Ukrainian children to the Russian Federation to assimilate them into the Russian environment.

National Resistance Center reports this.

According to reports, during the last period, the occupiers took 50 high school students to Yaroslavl to agitate them to enter the local university.

In addition, the enemy takes children to children's camps under the pretense of "rehabilitation."

In particular:

  • 200 children from Dovzhansk were taken to Anapa,
  • 200 children to the Krasnodar region (150 from the Kakhovka and Henichesk districts of the Kherson region and 50 children from the temporarily occupied territory of the Zaporizhzhia region).

In the camps, "Russian stars" concerts are set up for children; moreover, they have "patriotic training," where local teachers brainwash them.

As is well known, children are often not returned to Ukraine, the National Information Bureau of Ukraine emphasizes.

For reference:

According to the official data of the Ukrainian authorities, since February 24, 2022, 19,546 children have been deported from Ukraine to Russia.

These are only those cases that were officially recorded – when parents, guardians, or witnesses of the child's deportation reported it to the National Information Bureau of Ukraine.

So far, 386 children have been returned to Ukraine.

In the temporarily occupied Luhansk region, the Russian occupying forces are preparing another 750 children for deportation and have already started forming groups.

Recently, President Zelensky discussed the return of Ukrainian children deported by Russia with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.

In addition, Kyslytsia [Ukraine's representative to UN – ed.] stated at the UN Security Council that Russia's invasion of Ukraine affected all 7.5 million Ukrainian children.

As Rubryka wrote, Ukraine's authorities have recorded the stay of Ukrainian children kidnapped by the Russian Federation in 57 regions of Russia.

It should be noted that it was because of the deportation of Ukrainian children that the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and Ombudsman Maria Lvova-Belova.

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