Solutions from Ukraine: Vinnytsia entrepreneurs grow apples with patriotic inscriptions and drawings for fundraising and markets

Vinnytsia farmers don't just grow regular apples, but apples labeled AFU and F16.

Rubryka discovered how they do it.

The secret of such apples is simple – stencils of various shapes are pasted on them at a particular fruit ripening stage. Thanks to this, the apple has a precise drawing or inscription.

"When the apples are the right size and need to start turning red, then it's time to put those special stickers of all sorts of shapes on them. It's done by hand and that's how the apples ripen," Viktoria Petrova, art director of the Hostevia recreation complex, told Rubryka.

Hostevia's owners have their own farm, Martynivske Pole, where they grow apples, pears, plums, grapes, and vegetables.

Apples with images appeared here about five years ago.

At the start, these were just regular emoticons; but by Ukraine's 30th anniversary of independence, tridents were being placed on the fruits, and now phrases like "AFU," "F16" and so on have been added.

"We use them for charity, sales, and treats," adds Viktoriia Petrova.

Author: Olha Stukalo, Rubryka

Photo courtesy of the Hostevia recreation complex

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