Rubryka reports, referring to the website of the Lviv City Council.
What is the problem?
Ukraine's post-war economy will need shock therapy to revive it. Studying successful global veteran policies shows how to effectively use the potential of defenders who return home from the front.
Similarly, it's crucial for veterans to transition back into civilian life after returning from the front. One effective method is for them to initiate their own businesses, providing a beneficial path to recovery and reintegration for both the military personnel and their families.
What is the solution?
On August 14, the Lviv City Council started accepting applications for business support vouchers.
Veterans and their wives or husbands who want to start or develop their own businesses in the light, furniture industry, agriculture, medicine, and household services can take part in the project.
How does it work?
Those interested can get a business voucher for veterans and their spouses. The maximum amount of voucher assistance is up to ₴300,000 ($8,120).
Business vouchers can be used for modernization and expansion (purchase of equipment, raw materials, and components), mobility and efficiency (rental of premises and vehicles), purchase of licensed software, training courses, consulting services, and retraining.
The participants must also be registered by their place of residence in the Lviv City Territorial Community and fill out the appropriate application, the template of which can be found on the Lviv City Council website.
The international humanitarian organization Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe provides grant assistance to entrepreneurs from among internally displaced persons, as well as micro-businesses affected by the war.
As Rubryka reported, the Center for Complex Endoprosthetic, Osseointegration, and Bionics has become operational in Ukraine.
Rubryka also reported how fighters get used to prostheses thanks to Nordic walking and football.
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