
Ukraine’s Deputy PM: Road to victory will be long, let’s not think about life after it

Iryna Vereshchuk, the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, has stated that the war with Russia will continue for a long time and will not end either by the end of this year or next spring, as some hope.

She makes the relevant statement on Telegram.

How long will the war last? We must be honest. In this war, the road to victory will be long and difficult. "2-3 weeks", "until the end of the year", "next spring" – all of this is not true, she said.

The minister believes Ukrainians have to get ready for a long struggle. Citizens and the authorities should prepare for a long and difficult war, after which "we will win"

Let's not think about life after the war. We do our best here and now. Take it easy. Day by day. And we support each other. That's also important. That's why we survived last year. That's why we will win, in the end, she concluded.

She suggests authorities to "focus on the main priorities", and ignore the rest. Corruption must be taken as high treason, and if it's not punished enough, it will remain the issue, the minister noted.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian forces continue to press Russian advances and conduct offensive operations in the Melitopol and Berdiansk directions, consolidating their positions and carrying out counter-battery activities.

Over the past day, the Air Force carried out seven strikes on Russian personnel clusters. Missile and artillery units destroyed two artillery pieces at firing positions, one anti-aircraft missile system, and another important enemy target.

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