
Ukraine’s western Volyn region to build new housing for displaced people

The western city of Kovel signed contracts with international organizations to reconstruct and construct housing for displaced Ukrainian.

What is the problem?

In Ukraine, as a result of the military attack of the Russian Federation, millions of people were left without their homes. In addition, Ukrainians are forced to leave their homes due to constant shelling and seek refuge in safer regions of our country.

In Ukraine, the military attack by the Russian Federation has left millions of people without their homes. Constant shelling also forces many Ukrainians to abandon their residences and seek refuge in safer regions of the country.

Certainly, the government is committed to assisting those who have lost their homes. The plan includes constructing tens of thousands of new apartments for the displaced. The authorities intend to purchase apartments in nearly completed buildings that have not yet been officially opened.

What is the solution?

Kovel, in Ukraine's western Volyn region, signed contracts with an international organization regarding the reconstruction and construction of housing for displaced persons, Kovel City Council reports.

Within the "Reconstruction of a two-story administrative building and an educational and residential building for multi-apartment residential buildings on Drahomanova Street," 24 apartments will be reconstructed, which will be fully furnished and equipped with household appliances.

How does it work?

The city has started implementing the investment project "Support of the EU in providing housing for internally displaced persons in Kovel." This initiative provides for the construction of a five-story residential building with 70 apartments. In March 2023, a grant agreement in the amount of EUR 4,806,900 was signed.

As reported by Rubryka, in the village of Sokoliv in the Zhytomyr region, local authorities collaborated with the community to construct housing for those who lost their homes. This housing is now home to people from war-affected areas such as Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia regions. The organizers are also extending invitations to internally displaced persons from the Kherson region.

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