Night attack on Odesa: Ukraine’s air defense downs 15 drones and eight rockets

On Monday night, August 14, Russian occupiers attacked Ukraine's southern city of Odesa three times.  

Ukraine's air defense forces shot down 15 attack drones and 8 Kalibr-type missiles. Debris from the downed missiles damaged a supermarket and a hostel. According to initial information, three people were injured, says Oleh Kiper, the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration and the Defense Forces of Ukraine's South, Rubryka reports.

The Russian forces once again staged an air attack on Ukraine by night, and an air raid warning was declared in many areas. The Air Force warned of the threat of Russian strikes with ballistic missiles and kamikaze drones.

Around 01:10, a series of explosions rang out in Odesa. They continued intermittently until the air raid alert was over at 02:30. According to the military and local officials, the city was under attack by UAVs and missiles, initially Kalibrs, launched by the Russian occupiers from the ships in the Black Sea.

"The enemy attacked the Odesa region three times at night, using two waves of attack drones, 15 drones, and eight sea-based Kalibr missiles. The air defense forces repelled all attacks," the Defense Forces of Ukraine's South said in a statement.

Debris of a downed rocket

Debris of a downed rocket

It is reported that a dormitory of one of the educational institutions and a supermarket were damaged by debris from downed rockets that the Russian forces directed at the center of Odesa.

Also, the blast wave maimed the windows and balconies of several buildings, and cars parked nearby were damaged.

Photo: South Operational Command

Photo: South Operational Command

A fire broke out at two sites, which firefighters are working to extinguish. According to initial reports from the Southern defense forces, three employees of the damaged supermarket were injured, and they were provided with medical assistance.

"We've received information about three victims of an attack by Russian terrorists in Odesa. People are being provided with all the necessary medical assistance," Oleh Kiper, the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration, said.

The national broadcaster Suspilne reported that a fire broke out in one of the city's hypermarkets during a night attack by Russians on Odesa.

"It was the loudest [attack]. It got really scary. I thought [the rocket] dropped somewhere in my yard. I used to go grocery shopping here [in the damaged supermarket, ed.]. It's my favorite store. Now I don't know where to go. Only that one [store] is left, but everything there was maimed by the blast too, so I'll have to stock up somewhere else," the Odesa resident told the journalists of Suspilne in a comment about the Russian attack on the city.

The head of the Office of the President, Andrii Yermak, published footage of a large-scale fire in a Ukrainian port city on the Telegram channel.

"Odesa. Strikes on civilian objects, on a store… Comments are redundant. Russians are crazy terrorists," he wrote.

As Rubryka reported, on August 13, the Russian occupiers struck the Kherson region with multiple rocket launchers. Stanislav and Shyroka Balka were targeted. The number of victims in these two settlements is seven (five adult residents, an infant, and a 12-year-old boy). Nine people were injured

Later, a 12-year-old boy freed from the rubble of a house destroyed by the occupiers died in a hospital in the Kherson region, and his parents and little sister died. August 14 was declared the Day of Mourning for the killed.

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