
Volunteers to host run in Kyiv to support Ukrainians in occupied territories

The "Yedyni (United)" movement, which hosts Ukrainian language courses, starts a charity run in Kyiv to support Ukrainians in Russian-occupied territories.

The marathon will support citizens who do not speak Ukrainian under the fear of death or those who are afraid of judgment, mistakes and think that it is too late to learn Ukrainian, says the co-founder of the movement Ivan Kapeliushnyk.

When our military is bringing back every piece of land, our movement is winning the hearts of Ukrainians who forcibly learnt Russian due to Soviet occupation. We want to unite Ukrainians from different parts of the world and show that we are ready to support our citizens. When we are language-bound, we are united on the battlefield, Ivan said.

Hosts encourage adults and children to join the marathon at any time of the day and any distance. One can find out more information about the event here.

The "Yedyni" movement helped over 100,000 Ukrainians switch to their mother tongue. The organization is committed to helping 1,000,000 citizens master the language, including the heavily Russified frontline and de-occupied regions.

Our teachers and volunteers know for sure that language is not only a means of communication, it unites people and transmits a different mentality. Switch to Ukrainian, run for the language and support those who cannot yet do so! hosts added.

Previously, authorities of the western Ivano-Frankivsk region hosted the 11th charity bike parade for women. The event brought together 175 participants from all over Ukraine and neighboring states.

If earlier ago the purpose of such movements was to popularize cycling among women, develop the cycling structure and make it more comfortable for citizens, now the charity is the main message of the campaign.

During the charity event, participants raised nearly $300. The funds were transferred to support Ukrainian forces.

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