15:28 14 Aug 2023

Ukraine's intelligence warns of Russian missile attacks on Independence Day

Ukraine's intelligence reports there is a threat of an increased number of Russian missile attacks on Ukraine's Independence Day, celebrated on August 24.

The attacks can last several days, says the deputy head of Ukraine's intelligence Vadym Skibitsky.

On the Independence Day of Ukraine, the aggressive Russia can resort to another act of missile terrorism. This can happen a day earlier or a day later. The attacks can last a few days and a few times per day, he said.

The attacks may not surprise any of the Ukrainians, Skibitsky adds. The recommendations for civilians remain just the same as throughout the entire time of the full-scale war: you hear the alarm, you hide in the shelter.

Independence Day is the most important public holiday for Ukrainians, as many generations fought for independence, and this historical challenge continues now. The intelligence stressed that Russian aggression is the best motivation for all the Ukrainian forces to continue their work on liberation.

Not Ukrainians, but Russians should worry about our Independence Day, as, in fact, about any other day. While the invaders are on our land, Moscow will not see a quiet life anymore, the representative of the intelligence emphasized.

Russians are shelling peaceful cities of Ukraine any day, whether it be working days, weekends, or holidays. At the same time, the invaders stick to "sacred" dates to ruin memorable days for Ukrainians.

The Air Force spokesman Yurii Ihnat said Ukrainian forces would be prepared, balanced, and confident in managing any outcomes during this day.

Meanwhile, Russian forces continue shelling peaceful towns. On August 13, enemy forces attacked the settlements of the Kherson region, injuring many civilians and killing three.

On the morning of August 13, Russian invaders shelled the towns of Stanislav and Shyroke Balka in the Kherson region. At least five adults and a baby who was only 23 days old were killed in the attack.

Later, a 12-year-old boy who was rescued from the rubble of a destroyed house died in a hospital. His whole family was killed on the spot.

The Russians also attacked Kherson, injuring three civilians. Law enforcement officers say the invaders carried out shelling of residential areas. Authorities declared August 14 the Day of Mourning for the dead civilians.

On August 14, Russian troops launched a missile strike on Ukraine, attacking Odesa three times. The air defense shot down 15 attack drones and 8 Kalibr cruise missiles, as the debris damaged the supermarket and hostel. Three people were previously injured.

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