Ukraine’s armed forces remove five Russian-installed mines per square meter – Defense Minister Reznikov

Ukrainian defenders are digging up five mines installed by Russian troops to disrupt Ukraine's counteroffensive for every square meter.

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Oleksii Reznikov, stated this, according to The Guardian.

"Today, Ukraine is the most heavily mined country in the world. Hundreds of kilometers of minefields, millions of explosive devices, in some areas of the front, there are up to five mines per square meter. Russian minefields are a serious obstacle for our troops, but not insurmountable," he said.

According to the minister, Ukraine has qualified sappers and modern equipment. Still, they are insufficient for the front, which stretches hundreds of kilometers east and south of Ukraine.

"At this stage of the de-occupation campaign, we desperately need more equipment for demining – from minesweepers to Bangalore torpedoes. Demining equipment has long been unlocked, and we are grateful to our international partners for the support already provided," he said.

The Minister highlighted that making a demining coalition at the last Ramstein format meeting which Lithuania's Minister of Defense spearheaded – was a crucial step in this direction.

"Also, it is vitally necessary to expand and accelerate the training of sappers. It must be fast and systematic. Sappers are needed here and now. Their work saves lives and ensures the advancement of our troops. The demining coalition is built on the principle of "teach and equip." Its effective implementation will bring the victory of Ukraine closer," Reznikov emphasized.

For reference:

Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and active hostilities, Ukraine is contaminated with explosive objects. Some analysts call Ukraine the most mined country in the world.

Therefore, Ukraine is starting a new state policy on humanitarian demining and also calls on other countries to help in this area.

According to Ihor Klymenko, it primarily involves routes under power lines and fields.

President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that 174 thousand square kilometers of the territory of Ukraine are potentially dangerous due to mines and ammunition.

It should be noted that Ukraine is developing a market with the possibility of purchasing services through auctions. It will actively participate in humanitarian demining operations of foreign and domestic private mine action operators.

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