Ukrainians to unite worldwide in symbolic living chain on Independence Day

On the 32nd anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, on August 24, Ukrainians in various countries were called to go to the central streets of cities and join hands to form the largest living chain of unity in history.

The Free World Gathering initiative reported this.

What is the problem?

The Independence Day of Ukraine is a national holiday of Ukraine, which is celebrated every year on August 24 in honor of the adoption of the Act of Proclamation of Ukraine's Independence and Separation from the USSR, which is traditionally considered the date of the restoration of the independent state of Ukraine.

The demographic situation is one of the most difficult challenges that Ukraine has faced since the restoration of independence in 1991. The optimistic advertising of the 1990s, "There are 52 million of us", which even then was somewhat far from reality, now looks like a number from another reality. The predominance of mortality over birth rate, mass emigration of the population, particularly young people, low birth rate, and difficult socio-economic situation made depopulation a characteristic phenomenon for Ukraine.

It should be noted that about 6.2 million Ukrainians left Ukraine during the full-scale Russian invasion and are currently abroad.

What is the solution?

On the 32nd anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, on August 24, Ukrainians in various countries were called to go to the central streets of cities and join hands to form the largest living chain of unity in history.

How does it work?

To participate in the activity, you need to go to, select and mark a venue, or find the marks of those who have already marked and sit next to them to continue the chain.

On August 24 at 19:00 local time, come to the chosen location and shake hands with those who have joined the chain.

"Thanks to you, the chain of free people is getting longer. Remember that the same thing is happening in different corners of the planet – be filled with pride and joy! Spread information about the chain so that as many people as possible support Ukraine and freedom," the organizers urged.

The Free World Gathering is an initiative of a group of activists who first organized a chain of unity at the beginning of the war. Then, in the spring of 2014, thousands of Ukrainians from all regions took to the streets to demonstrate their unity.

For reference:

On the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine, an all-Ukrainian drawing and photo competition "What is Ukraine for me?" has been announced, in which children aged 4 to 18 years from Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora in various countries of the world can take part.

This is reported on the United World Cultures Foundation (UWCF) website, which is one of the competition's organizers.

It is noted that only the participants of the competition can be the authors of the competition works. In the "Drawing" category, an individual competition work on a chosen topic is submitted in one of four age nominations; in the "Photography" category, the competition work can be both individual and collective.

The organizers offer the following topics for the competition work in the "Drawing" category:

  • "Descendants of the Glorious Cossacks,"
  • "Heroes without weapons,"
  • "Historical figure of Ukraine,"
  • "With a Song to Victory,"
  • "Homeland,"
  • "Ukrainian traditions,"
  • or another work within the general theme of the competition "What is Ukraine for me?".

The "Photography" category does not contain separate nominations and age distribution. No more than five photos (competition works) are submitted to the "Photography" contest, which reflects one or two volunteer initiatives in which one child or a group of children (class, circle, team, etc.) participated and was sent to help the Ukrainian military, displaced persons, victims of war, animals, etc.

The contest participant and their representatives guarantee that the contest works are original, have never been in any other competitions, and don't violate anyone else's copyright.

Competitive works can be submitted between August 1 and August 24, 2023. You can find more information by clicking the link.

As Rubryka wrote, Ukrainian diasporas in the USA, Poland, and Germany conduct the most active public and political activities abroad.


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