This became known from a video message recorded by the Gauleiter.
"An official document (of the occupation administration – ed.) has already been issued that medical drugs purchased from the Russian budget will not be issued to foreign citizens, i.e., citizens of Ukraine. First of all, this applies to those on insulin who have already experienced what it's like to be a citizen of another country", – said the Gauleiter.
In a video message, Dudka called Ukrainians who do not want to take Russian passports "zhduns" [a slang word meaning a person waiting for something to happen – ed.] He also threatened families who do not send their children to schools that teach according to the Russian curriculum. He said the parents would be brought to "administrative responsibility" and "criminal responsibility."
Dudka showed a list of children who had never been to so-called Russian "schools" and threatened the parents with criminal prosecution. He said he would put the children on buses, take them to the demarcation line and send them "to your Ukrainian schools."
"My dear "Zhduns," now I suggest you decide how you will live, where you will live, and under what laws. If you don't like the laws of the Russian Federation, pack your things and leave," Dudka added.
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