Ukrainian parliament backs bill aligning country’s air force with NATO standards

On Thursday, the Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, supported a draft law to make changes to certain laws aimed at improving activities in Ukraine's state aviation sector.

MP from the Voice parliamentary faction, Yaroslav Zhelezniak, announced on Telegram that 226 MPs voted for the adoption of document No. 9379, Rubryka reports.

What is the problem?

One of the key tasks of Ukraine toward NATO membership is to integrate the country's army into the alliance's structures and align with its standards. 

The draft law was developed to improve Ukraine's state aviation regulation system and bring it to the standards of NATO (military standards) and the European Union.

What is the solution?

The document proposes to change Ukraine's Air Code, introducing new terms in state aviation.

How does it work?

The proposed law outlines the responsibilities of Ukraine's Ministry of Defense related to the country's aviation sector. It sets out the rules for certifying individuals and entities involved in aviation activities, including state aircraft and their parts. It also covers recognizing certifications issued by both Ukrainian and foreign civil and military aviation authorities.

The document also defines the rules for registering and removing state aircraft from the official list. It also sets standards for the qualifications of personnel involved in state aviation.

The proposed law suggests implementing a system where incidents can be reported voluntarily or must be reported. This aims to gather information about real or possible safety issues in state aviation, including establishing a relevant database.

Adopting this draft law is expected to improve the effectiveness of shaping and executing state policies in state aviation. This move will align Ukraine's state aviation with the benchmarks of NATO, the European Defense Agency (military standards), and the European Union. Additionally, it will bolster the safety standards of Ukrainian state aviation, improving flight safety.

As Rubryka reported, the Verkhovna Rada appealed to the world parliaments to recognize as illegitimate the elections that the Russian Federation plans to hold in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

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