The appeal notes that "another attempt by Russia to justify an illegal attempt to annex temporarily occupied parts of the territory of Ukraine indicates its unwillingness to end the armed aggression against our state and its intention to continue the aggressive neo-colonial policy towards neighboring countries."
The parliament is to turn to the parliaments and governments of foreign states, international organizations, and their parliamentary assemblies not to recognize any "elections" in occupied regions.
Any Russian elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine are a fake, the world should not recognize the representatives from there and isolate Russia as soon as possible, says the parliament's member Oleksii Honcharenko.
The appeal follows Russia's intentions to host its elections in the occupied village of Stulnevo of the Zaporizhzhia region, as the invaders began preparations for political campaigning.
Back in February, Russia announced plans to hold elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine. British intelligence responded that Russia wants to demonstrate the captured regions as their "integral parts" by launching a vote on the same day as the elections in Russia.
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Львів – одне з перших міст в Україні, де на рівні громади прийняли програму популяризації… Читати більше
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У Запоріжжі відбулася акція на підтримку військовополонених та зниклих безвісти. Містяни вийшли з прапорами, плакатами… Читати більше
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