Italy starts medical care project to provide prosthetics treatment to war-affected Ukrainians

Italy has launched a medical care project for wounded Ukrainians, offering advanced prosthetics and rehabilitation expertise.

A humanitarian operation started by Italy's Ministry of Health and prestigious Italian medical institutions aims to offer concrete help to the wounded military and civilians involved in the conflict, the embassy's press service says. 

What is the problem?

As of May 23, the UN recorded 23,606 civilian casualties in the country, having 8,791 killed by the new stage of the war and 14,815 injured. Ukrainian civilians suffer Russian atrocities in their hometowns, becoming a target for missile and drone attacks. Most of them need intensive medical treatment along with wounded troops, requiring prosthetics and psychological support.

What is the solution?

Italy shows its commitment to medical support to Ukraine, demonstrating its solidarity with global challenges. This initiative will boost reconstruction and improvement of health infrastructure in a country at war, helping to heal deep wounds and build a better future for the Ukrainian people.

How does it work?

The project goes beyond mere medical assistance. In addition to treating the injured, the initiative is committed to training Ukrainian medical personnel and expanding local infrastructure and technological capacity.

The goal is to create centers of excellence in Ukraine modeled on the best Italian structures to ensure a sustainable future in the country's medical care.

The Italian task force is made up of the Inail Prosthetic Center and the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute of Bologna, the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital, and the Santa Lucia Foundation of Rome, together with the Italian Red Cross.

The project provides support to the Superhumans and Unbroken prosthetics centers. Thanks to the partnership with six Italian hospitals of excellence, Italy will provide a valuable contribution in prostheses and rehabilitation.

Фото: Посольство Італії в Україні

Фото: Посольство Італії в Україні

Фото: Посольство Італії в Україні

Italy has already demonstrated its commitment to this cause by allocating 500,000 euros for the Ukrainian emergency.

The Italian Minister of Health, Horace Schillaci, on Thursday 4 August, will meet his Ukrainian counterpart to define the forms of assistance that Italy will be able to provide. A cooperation agreement between the two ministries is expected to be signed soon, strengthening the ties between Italy and Ukraine in the humanitarian operation.

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