Solutions to win: Ukrainian volunteers send 14 vehicles to soldiers on Zaporizhzhia front

Ukrainian volunteers delivered European-made vehicles for the military to the Zaporizhzhia front.

After major repairs, they will be sent to the troops on the southern battlefield, says the director of the UA Free fund Pylyp Vahanov.

What is the problem?

As the foundation provides assistance to the military, the Ukrainian military keeps requesting vehicles for performing complicated tasks on the frontline.

Finding the right car in Europe is not as hard as before, the volunteers said, but the cost is getting higher every time.

Vehicles that cost 4300 euros can now be purchased for 5000 euros or more.

What is the solution?

UA Free volunteer decided to boost Ukraine's counteroffensive by purchasing more military and civil vehicles for soldiers.

Фото: Укрінформ

How does it work?

The head of the fund stressed this batch had been purchased with funds of all Zaporizhzhia residents. Volunteers delivered three vehicles for medical purposes and for transporting the soldiers. Four-wheel drive jeeps have proven themselves very well and are repairable in war conditions.

There are 12 vehicles and two ambulances in total, which were donated to us by Denmark and donor funds, said the head of the charity.

Фото: Укрінформ

The fundraiser collected about 55,000 euros, including the cost of repairs, and nearly 4,000 dollars for the fuel needed to transport the cars from Europe to Zaporizhzhia.

Фото: Укрінформ

The foundation reports it took 3-4 months to raise the money for the shipment. Previously, the residents raised the necessary amount of money in a month. The volunteers are grateful to the people of Zaporizhzhia for their help, which enables them to send everything they need to the military.

This is the 5th large batch of vehicles. In total, they have delivered more than 50 vehicles to the frontline during the full-scale war.

Now there is a request for electricity generators, Mavic (ultra-compact quadcopter – ed.), thermal imagers, and dozens more vehicles. We need to raise money. We stopped the "flash mob" because we need a lot and we can't just promise, because we don't know when we will deliver everything, the volunteers explained.

Now the vehicles are being sent for repair and will be delivered to the military in a week.

Ukrainian volunteers actively participate in boosting military efforts in the war. For example, Ukrainian electric bike manufacturer Eleek has developed a lightweight electric buggy that weighs only 240 kg and can travel 150 km without recharging, which is slowly but surely delivered to the military.

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