Ukrainian air defense has destroyed over 5,000 Russian targets since full-scale war’s outset – Zelensky

As Ukraine marks the Air Force day and honors the fallen heroes, President Volodymyr Zelensky has already awarded 42 soldiers with the title of Hero of Ukraine since the invasion, 26 of them posthumously.

Today we are celebrating an important day for our beloved Ukraine – the professional day of the forces whose main task is to save lives. The servicemen of the Air Force honorably fulfill this important task, achieve the powerful results our state needs and gain real glory for each and every one of us, for the whole of Ukraine, the Head of State said.

Фото: ОП

Фото: ОП

During the full-scale rage, Ukrainian pilots carried out over 14,000 combat missions. Ukraine's Air Force shot down over 3.5 thousand Russian aircraft, helicopters and missiles, and more than 2 thousand enemy combat drones.

I thank all of you, Ukrainian warriors, for every downed Russian missile and every destroyed enemy drone, Zelensky said.

The President stressed the important success of Ukraine's Air Force in destroying Russian Kinzhal hypersonic missiles, which the state used to intimidate Ukraine and the whole world.

Фото: ОП

This cult has been debunked forever. Our warriors have clearly proved that if the defenders of life have the Cossack character, our domestic air defense systems, and the air defense systems of our partners, then the terrorists do not stand a chance. No "Kinzhal" will help Moscow, Zelensky stated.

Ukraine is working every day to create a reliable sky shield for the country, which can become the base of a sky shield for the whole of Europe, the President stressed.

Фото: ОП

It is only a matter of time before we have F-16s in the Ukrainian skies, which will add even more power to our defense. The Ukrainian Air Force has already become the most powerful in all the years of its existence, and it will become even more powerful, Zelensky added.

State awards were presented to 3,198 servicemen of the Air Force, and 280 of them posthumously.

Фото: ОП

The attendees observed a minute of silence in memory of the Air Force servicemen who gave their lives for Ukraine.

President Zelensky also expressed gratitude to everyone in the world who helps protect Ukrainian skies and human lives.

The Day of the Air Force is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of August. The holiday was established by the Presidential Decree in 2007.

Today, the Air Force includes anti-aircraft components, including anti-aircraft missile systems and radio engineering troops, as well as a number of special forces.

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