What is the problem?
As of March 2023, Kyiv authorities have taken down vendors near seven large metro stations, where heavy traffic was actively polluting the air and complicating pedestrian access to streets and shelters in case of the air raid alarm.
Usually, vendors near metro stations and public transport stops hinder access to shelters.
Safety of people and access to shelters and hiding places is the biggest priority, authorities said.
About 1,500 people are using metro stations as shelters.
What is the solution?
Kyiv authorities removed vendors and placed parks near the two large and constantly crowded metro stations. Earlier, they presented a plan for the space near the station linking Kyiv and the nearby towns.
According to Kyiv City Council member Myroslava Smirnova, she has already held a meeting with local residents, where they "discussed the concept very productively."
How does it work?
According to Oleksii Korol, the director general of the department, the area near the metro exit can be described as a waiting area, with an outdoor garden feature forming a shaded walkway set up.
To illuminate the area, Kyiv authorities installed 27 lighting poles and an irrigation system.
The communal workers planted maples, decorative cherries, cotoneaster shrubs, hydrangeas, grey spirea and mountain pine, perennials and cereals.
This is what the renovated public space near the Heroiv Dnipra (linking to Kyiv's neighboring towns) metro station looks like now. No vendors, but new paths, benches, trees and bushes. The space is accessible to everyone, stressed the communal facility Kyivzelenbud.
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