This was reported by the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories with reference to the website of the Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe representative office in Ukraine.
What is the solution?
As noted, the program is designed to support craft (carpentry, beekeeping, jewelry making, etc.) and service (e.g., cleaning and home care, landscape services, personal training) businesses.
How does it work?
Entrepreneurs from Kyiv, the Kyiv, Zhytomyr, and Chernihiv regions and IDPs (with a certificate) who moved to Kyiv or the region can apply for participation.
Priority in the selection will be given to female entrepreneurs, particularly those who became the head of the family due to the husband's military service, his injury, stay in captivity or death, and households with children, elderly people, and people with disabilities.
Within the project's scope, it is planned to allocate 325 grants worth up to 2,700 euros (in hryvnias). You can spend them on the purchase of equipment and materials.
To participate, you need to fill out a Google form. Applications will be accepted until August 15 of this year.
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