Ukrzaliznytsia reported this on Telegram.
What is the problem?
"These soldiers of the Special Operations Forces are now taking an active part in the offensive of the Defense Forces in the East of Ukraine: they are burning Russian equipment, capturing Russian occupiers. And the drones, for which the organizers are trying to raise funds, will help them preserve their lives and very effectively destroy the enemy both during the day and at night," says the message from the organizers.
What is the solution?
Ukrzaliznytsia has put up for auction a poster with the signature of Joe Biden, which he signed while traveling on a train to Kyiv on February 20.
How does it work?
It is noted that a charity auction will start on August 4 at 4:00 p.m., the purpose of which is to collect 500,000 hryvnias for drones — DJI Matrice 30T and Mavic 3 Combo — for the tactical group of the 3rd special purpose regiment named after Prince Sviatoslav the Brave.
Entrance ticket to the event is a donation of 300 hryvnias. Each ticket will participate in a lottery where valuable prizes will be drawn.
The event starts at 16:00. The auction itself will start at 18:00.
The organizers have collected unique lots, including:
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