The investigation of The Insider and Spiegel journalists, who studied the hacked correspondence of the propagandist Vladimir Sergiyenko, who lived in Germany and was the "curator" of the German far-right, says members of the AfD party, through the mediation of Sergiyenko, received the texts of their speeches from Moscow, lobbied for Kremlin initiatives and sued the German government.
Sergiyenko brought money to Germany partly in cash and partly through a company under his control. The AfD officially does not acknowledge the connection with the Kremlin. However, as evidenced by the hacked correspondence, the deputies of this faction did not just coordinate their actions with Moscow but received direct instructions.
According to journalists, one of these tasks was an attempt to stop military aid to Ukraine. The Kremlin hoped that AfDH could challenge these supplies through a lawsuit.
The journalists found out that the operation with the lawsuit was calculated for four months. For its financing, Sergiyenko asked for €25,000 per month plus €10,000 per month "for curatorial and representative expenses."
As a result, on July 5, the parliamentary faction of the AfD filed a lawsuit against the authorities at the Federal Constitutional Court, which is being heard in Karlsruhe in case No. 2 BvE 5/23. The formal reason for the lawsuit is that the Bundestag has not approved the supply of arms, although German law does not require it.
Journalists believe the information will likely become an additional argument for the German special services, which consider Sergiyenko, a suspect in the espionage case.
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