So, the Russians formed "student labor units" here, which "work" in the destroyed cities – Lysychansk, Mariupol, and Sieverodonetsk.
Seminars and "youth forums" are also held at TOT, with the support of "Rosmolodezh" [ Russian Youth – ed.]. This is an occupation structure that is engaged in the decentralization of "youth movements," most of which are presented as voluntary.
One of these events was the "Forum of young specialists "Path of Victory." Zerkalo." More than 120 students from universities of the occupied peninsula under the control of the occupiers joined it, as well as representatives of the Russian occupation forces from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the Prosecutor's Office.
The organizers of the "forum" are the "federal agency for youth affairs of the Russian Federation"; its main goal is to deepen the integration of youth from the Crimean TOT into the social and cultural space of the Russian Federation.
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