Slovakia transfers Zuzana self-propelled guns to Ukraine

Ukraine received the first two Zuzana 2 self-propelled artillery installations, the production of which was financed, in addition to Slovakia, by Denmark, Norway, and Germany.

The Prime Minister of Slovakia, Ľudovít Ódor, reported this at the arms transfer ceremony in the Slovak city of Dubnica nad Váhom, writes Dennik N.

According to reports, the transfer of weapons took place at the premises of the Konštrukta Defense enterprise in the city of Dubnica nad Váhom. The event was attended by the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Ludovit Odor, the Minister of Defense of the Slovak Republic, Martin Sklenar, and the ambassadors of Ukraine, Germany, Denmark, and Norway.

"Our duty is to help where we can and how we can," the Slovak Prime Minister emphasized.

Photo: Yaroslava Borzova

The Ambassador of Ukraine to Slovakia, Myroslav Kastran, also attended the ceremony.

"This project is an example of successful cooperation and a basis for new military-technical cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine," he emphasized.

Odor also emphasized that Ukraine's ability to resist Russian aggression is "in the interests of all of us."

"The protection of Ukraine and the ability to resist Russian aggression are in our common interests. We do not accept a world in which rules do not apply, and international rules are not respected," said Odor.

In the coming months, the defense company Konštrukta Defense will deliver 14 more howitzers to Ukraine, the last of which should arrive next year.

Photo: Yaroslava Borzova

For reference:

In October 2022, Denmark signed a letter of intent with Slovakia, Norway, and Germany that the countries jointly decided to contribute financially to Slovak production and transfer Zuzana 2 self-propelled artillery systems to Ukraine.

The countries agreed to donate about 685 million crowns (about 92 million euros). Denmark contributes about 230 million kroner (30.9 million euros).

As you know, in January, Slovakia sent the last of the eight Zuzana 2 self-propelled artillery units that Ukraine itself purchased. At the same time, the General Staff reported that after the fulfillment of this Ukrainian order, Slovakia would produce 16 more Zuzana 2 howitzers, which Denmark, Germany, and Norway will finance.

The Slovak Zuzana self-propelled artillery installation is equipped with a 155 mm howitzer with a barrel length of 52 calibers.

The maximum firing range is 41 km. The howitzer allows six shots per minute.

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