Photo: Militarnyi
What is the problem?
Ukrainian troops launched a counteroffensive on two fronts. The soldiers need military equipment, drones, and ammunition to advance successfully.
Drones are a very important component of the offensive, but they are expendable. The Russian forces intercept them, and they break.
What is the solution?
Ukrainian actor Vladyslav Shevchenko said that he is raising 10 million hryvnias for 18 Rubaka drones for intelligence officers.
"Friends, I received a request for 18 Rubaka kamikaze drones from one of the special units of the Defense Intelligence. We need to collect 10 million," he said.
Photo: Militarnyi
How does it work?
Ukraine's Defense Intelligence said that the drones are already being used in hostilities.
"They have already shown themselves well in battle. I can't say exactly where, but we could all read about this on Telegram," said a Ukrainian intelligence officer. The Rubaka drone is capable of covering a distance of 500 kilometers.
As reported, the device is manufactured by a classified Ukrainian defense company. The details of the order are also not disclosed. If we do not consider special equipment, spare parts, and control stations, which can also be included in the order, then it turns out that one drone costs approximately 550,000 hryvnias.
The unmanned aerial vehicle is designed in the Flying Wing type and has an engine in the front. It is launched with the help of a catapult.
Ukraine is also collecting for Bober drones, which have a flight range of 1000 kilometers. One such drone costs about 4 million hryvnias ($108,000).
Photo: Militarnyi
On May 30, a massive attack on the capital of Russia took place with the participation of Bober drones. According to the Russians, about 25 UAVs flew to Moscow then.
We will remind you that the Baykar company will build a service center to repair drones in Ukraine.
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