Solutions from Ukraine: Bucha introduces drone delivery of medicine to medical institutions

Medical drugs and blood components will be promptly delivered to hospitals in the Bucha community,  Kyiv region, with the help of drones.

The press service of the Bucha City Council reported this.

What is the problem?

Timely medical assistance saves the lives of many patients. At the same time, prompt delivery of medical drugs and blood components is essential.

What is the solution?

In the Bucha community, the project rollout will start with drones delivering humanitarian goods, medications, and blood components to health facilities.

How does it work?

In just a few days, people in the community will see drones with yellowblue markings and red wings buzzing around in the sky, taking care of operational logistics.

They will perform a critical mission – save the lives of patients in hospitals. In particular, drones will deliver humanitarian goods, medicines, and blood components.

It is noted that the corresponding delivery project is humanitarian with the support of international partners and is implemented exclusively for the operational logistics of medical drugs in the hospital.

According to the report, the white-colored UAVs with red wings (wingspan – 3 m) will have yellow-blue markings on the lower part of the body. They can fly several times a day in daylight at an altitude of 100-300 m – they make almost no sound.

When approaching a medical facility, the drones will descend to 20-40 m and drop cargo in yellow-blue boxes on a parachute. The cargo will land in the designated area with a landing accuracy of up to 5-10 m.

The Bucha City Council assures that the technology is very safe and reliable: flights are coordinated with the region's military units in real-time. Residents are asked to remain calm.

It should be noted that for the first time, the Ukrainian military demonstrated naval UAVs that attack Russian ships to journalists.

As reported, the Drone Army has turned from a project into a systemic state program within a year.

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