This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the Ronald Reagan Institute.
Based on these results, it follows that the vast majority of US citizens (59%) are in favor of continuing military aid to Ukraine.
Among them, 75% of Democrats and 50% of Republicans expressed their support.
This figure has hardly changed since last year: in November 2022, 57% of Americans supported military aid to Ukraine.
"Among supporters of aid to Ukraine, the most compelling reason is that confronting Russian aggression in Ukraine will prevent Russia from invading other neighboring countries (37%). Almost as many (30%) said the best reason for continuing aid was that it is important to help protect the freedom of people and the sovereignty of countries wherever possible," the message said.
At the same time, less than a third (30%) of Americans oppose the United States sending military aid to Ukraine. Most of them (57%) believe that the USA has too many unsatisfied needs in the country to send billions of dollars to Ukraine.
"The prospect of comprehensive auditing and accounting measures to make sure Ukrainians are using U.S. aid properly did not garner much support among those who oppose aid. More than half (56%) said it would not matter, while only about a quarter (27%) said it would make them more supportive of sending aid," the study highlighted.
The survey also showed that there is currently no consensus among Americans about who is winning the war:
For reference:
It should be noted that most US citizens support providing weapons to Ukraine to fight against the Russian occupation army. Moreover, the Americans are convinced that such assistance shows China and other US rivals a desire to protect their interests and allies.
As Rubryka wrote, almost 60% of Ukrainians feel hope for a better future for the country.
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