Germany supports Ukrainian book market with new €900,000 program

Germany is launching a €900,000 program to support the Ukrainian book market and promote exchange between the Ukrainian and German cultural sectors, the German Embassy in Ukraine announced on Facebook.

What is the problem?

2022 was a year of ups and downs for the book publishing market. After two months of the YePidtrymka program, which the Ukrainian government created to support its cultural market amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the market could soar to $200-300 million. Ukrainians who received money as an incentive to get vaccinated could spend it on cultural services. 

The book was number one in choice. However, the boom lasted less than two months; by June, there was a slump. In the first two or three months of the Russian invasion, the drop was 70–90%.

What is the solution?

"The program to support the Ukrainian book market and promote exchange between the Ukrainian and German fields of culture is starting," the statement reads.

How does it work?

The Ministry of Culture and Mass Media of Germany provides €900,000 for projects under the auspices of the German Publishers Exchange Association, in close cooperation with the Ukrainian Book Institute, the Frankfurt Book Fair, Art Arsenal, and Chytomo.

The initiatives include creating a collection of German books in Ukrainian libraries, inviting Ukrainian authors to German bookstores, launching an English-language online platform dedicated to Ukrainian literature, and representing Ukraine at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

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