78% of Ukrainians hold "all Russians" accountable for war – survey

The absolute majority of Ukrainians, or 78%, consider all Russian citizens responsible for Russia's military aggression against Ukraine.
This is evidenced by the results of a sociological survey of the International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV), conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation and the Center for Political Sociology, published by Opora.
At the same time, 57% of the respondents want to see punished everyone who had a direct relationship with the planning, approval, organization, and commission of war crimes.
Also, 95% of respondents expect the state to seek compensation from Russia for damages caused during the war. However, only 40% of the population thinks real reparations are possible.
For reference:
The face-to-face survey was conducted during June 5-15, 2023.
In total, 2,001 respondents aged 18 and over were interviewed.
The multi-stage sampling used a random selection of settlements in the first stage and a quota selection of respondents in the final step. The sample population reproduces the demographic structure of the adult population of the territories where the survey was conducted as of the beginning of 2022.
The survey was conducted based on analytical work and by order of the International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV). The study was carried out by the Ilko Kucheriv Foundation "Democratic Initiatives" and the Center for Political Sociology.