Responding to Ukrainian needs, Norway dedicated the amount specifically to deliveries of ammunition and spare parts for Leopard II tanks.
The EU and Norway's combined efforts in providing military assistance to Ukraine is a model example of how synergies can have a multiplying effect on our support to Ukraine as they are fighting against the Russian aggression.
Together with our partners, we will continue to assist Ukraine in every way we can, for as long as it takes. It is also yet another confirmation of the close EU – Norway cooperation on security and defence matters, says EU top diplomat Josep Borrell.
On February 14, Norway announced its decision to support the assistance measure for Ukraine through the European Peace Facility. Today's signature formalizes this decision and ensures that the agreement can enter into force.
This is the second time that Norway makes a financial contribution to the European Peace Facility, thereby effectively increasing its total contribution to €36.5 million.
It is a confirmation of Norway's close cooperation with the EU on security and defense matters and its firm support for Ukraine in defending its freedom and sovereignty.
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