This was reported by the educational institution in Ukraine's western city of Lviv.
What is the problem?
"Ukrainian defenders are the best of our nation. While they protect Ukraine at the front, we must do everything so that after victory, they can smoothly reintegrate into civilian life in communities. Proper education is one of the important tools of success for them," said Minister of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine Yulia Laputina.
What is the solution?
"Supporting, helping, accompanying, as well as ensuring professional integration and reintegration is the task of the Veterans' Development Center of Lviv Polytechnic," the statement reads.
How does it work?
Veterans, their families, and families of fallen heroes can contact the Center. The Center will provide training and retraining for veterans: they can acquire a new profession and implement their entrepreneurial initiatives.
One of the critical projects that will be implemented at the Center is training future veterans' assistants. Psychological and legal assistance will be provided here.
A considerable role in creating and developing the Center for Veteran Development is played by partners who support and facilitate the implementation of such initiatives in every possible way.
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